Uganda – The Pearl of Africa

Uganda is a landlocked country located in eastern Africa and shares its borders with five other countries. With more than 40% of rural Ugandans living in abject poverty. With the HIV epidemic, as well as problems such as malaria and other tropical diseases, lack of adequate maternal and child health services and other complicating factors, the need for access to healthcare facilities, trained medical staff and medical supplies still remains a goal with slow progress for the country.

Mothers and Babies at Risk

Children aged under five account for an estimated 70% of all Malaria deaths worldwide.

2/3 of pregnant women in Uganda do not receive the recommended anti-malarial medication.

Annually 11 million pregnant women in
sub-Saharan African were infected with Malaria. This
led to approximately 900,000 babies born with a low birth weight.

12 million (50%) of children with Malaria in sub-Saharan Africa contract anemia. 

All stats from the World Health Organization World Malaria Report 2019

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